Nine-Lives Alex
they/them - late 20s

theme: tbd

Another established proxy of the Slender Man. The second in the original trio of immature pawns of something beyond human comprehension.

They woke the first time with no recollection of how they got there, in ankle-deep water; every faucet in the overly familiar house turned on to full, water flooding the floor. In their mad dash out of there they tripped over two others face-down in the flood, soaking their clothes even more on their way out into the pouring rain.

They were awake that time for a month, at most, slowly piecing the memories back together while the stranglehold of a murderous force got closer and closer, only relieved in the moments after they’d snap. They got better at controlling it and holding it off by sheer will, for some time, until it turned out it’d put them under and the murders would happen anyway. At the end of that nightmare month they collapsed, much like they did before killing while blacked out, but didn’t initially come back up.

They woke up the second time after being pulled half-alive out of a shallow creek by Jeff, who they attacked on instinct. The fight was violent, but short, as after not even a minute Jeff pinned them and pulled their mask off - eye contact made them both freeze. Something was familiar. The initially-strained conversation after made it clear they were two of a kind, both stuck under the same malevolent, unknowable force.


These days, the thing that really keeps (Nine Lives) Alex up at night is the realization that they, at least so far, appear to be completely unkillable by conventional means - and have no idea how long they’re going to live. Are they immortal, bound to kill by their guiding force forever? Maybe just until they’ve worn out their usefulness? Or could they die any day, hurt and all alone, just like everyone else? For them, worse than that, is the worry they’re going to outlive Jeff. She’s in the same situation as far as they know, but they don’t dare ask if she knows this.

They don’t know what they’d do without Jeff - they’d be all alone in this horrible world of murder and death with no one to talk to.
