"Mx. Grindhouse"
they/them - late 20s(?)

theme: tbd

Unaffiliated creep who lives in a house also named Grindhouse, which is a ramshackle place out in a clearing in the Shivering Woods. Normal people who stumble into the area report weird noises and bright lights from behind the always-drawn blinds at all hours, with almost nobody daring to get much closer than the safety of the treeline.

The privacy suits them just fine, as it allows them to conceal their secret: something horrible hidden deep in the earth below the house. In some sense, they are a walking proxy for the house itself - or, at least, whatever lives beneath and in it - which serves as both safehouse and a second skin.

They are actually not sure when this symbiosis started, or even why. They're certain they were a normal person at one point, but they aren't terribly cut up about it, suspecting they were always a bit of a bastard. Maybe not a murderous bastard... but even that's up in the air.

Anybody curious enough to find out what's inside the house has never come back out.