Zin Darkwater
xe/it - ???

theme: 88:88

Human-parasite bodysnatcher. It's unclear where xe came from and xe insists xe just woke up one day with no explanation either. Xe're basically The Thing (from the 1982 horror film) if it was a little more sapient and trapped in a humanoid form for long enough periods of time to develop human interests.

Despite that, xe have a pretty strong disdain for a lot of human things and activities, though it's unclear how much of this is real and how much is simply to annoy the people xe's chosen to hang around. Which, being that's three other inhumans - Jason, Skitter, and Belz - it's not terribly effective, but xe doesn't really grasp that at all. Xe also don't have a great handle on how humans are supposed to move or act, often frightening people with strange too-fluid movements or inhuman body language. Xe've learned to compensate for this a bit by mirroring the movements of whoever they're interacting with, which can help, but often just makes the other person even more uncomfortable.

The bodies xe wear for too long begin to warp, becoming less humanoid and manifesting traits of what seems to be a default form, so require replacing if xe want to keep up a human illusion. Outside of a body, xe are invisible to video and the visual memory of it seems to slide off any witnesses' brains too quick for them to describe.