Woe-Betide, goes by Woe
he/him - tiefling - late 20s

bard, college of whispers

theme music: Night in a Mossy Hut
full playlist: Empty Grave

Level 5
STR  8 - DEX 14 - CON 16
INT 10 - WIS 10 - CHA 16

Postman from [redacted].

Mostly a nice guy who's trying his best. He's decent with people, but often prefers the company of animals, which he gets a lot of during those long post routes.

As is typical for bards, he can be a tad dramatic, but usually he's level-headed if a bit more likely to let others take the reins in most situations. One big exception is parties or similar large social gatherings, where he's happily the life and soul of the whole thing if invited.